Sunday, November 20, 2011

Sunday Article - Don't be Silly About December

I had the great fun of celebrating Niko's sixteenth birthday with many of my dear friends yesterday. I'm still sore from the trampoline stunts! I'm looking forward to getting this week off from Boise High, which will give me ample time to focus on IDVA. Without further ado, it's time for my Sunday Article.


There's an issue hitting the viral world of Facebook status-reposts. It's the non-debate we hear every year as December draws near (notice the rhyme there?) The classic 'Merry Christmas' vs. 'Happy Holidays' jargain that makes primetime news as if it's a real issue (and yet, I'm blogging about it)

To quote a few updates:

....Yeah. First of all, we don't say "Happy Holidays" simply to avoid offending someone. The phrase "Happy Holidays" is said to address all of the celebrations humans observe in the winter months. Christmas, Chanukah, Kwanzaa, Ramadan, St. Lucia day, Saturnalia, and the Winter Solstice are just a few holidays off the top of my head that are recognized in the month of December! Any of these holidays may be celebrated for religious reasons, or they may be celebrated just for the sake of gathering in the freezing onset of a bitter winter.
While there is nothing wrong with using, "Merry Christmas" to address the single holiday (I, myself, use both phrases interchangeably) the idea of "Happy Holidays" is used to unite the world! It's not for the sake of being politically correct, but to recognize the we, as humans, search to make those cherished memories with our families. It's to show that the entire world, while beliefs may vary, joins for a celebration of some sort. The greeting was never meant to remove a religious figure from its holiday, but to recognize that the rainbow of tradition is alive!
To conclude, I find it very narrow-minded that one may be offended at a phrase used to unite instead of divide. If you want to talk about Christmas then go for it! Use any greeting you please. It's not offensive in the least bit. Do not, however, play victim to those who compound the tradition that has originated since before 'your' holiday existed.


That's all I have for today. I could say more, but expounding on a mindless facebook post, even for me is useless. I hope everyone as a great evening!


Friday, November 18, 2011

Give Thanks

It's nearly Thanksgiving break.

I am thankful to be alive. In an unforgiving universe, my existence is nothing short of miraculous. To have the consciousness to even understand that I am here is amazing. Although it's a short one, I am thankful that I get the privilege of taking this journey.
I am thankful for the people in my life. To begin, as always, my family. My amazing mother and fantabulously awesome dad, have brought me up in all the right ways. They allowed to see the wonders of the world as they are, taught me what they knew, and sent me off to follow my dreams. I love each and every one of my friends for who they are. I embrace their support as I give mine. I am thankful for you guys making my days a little brighter in some way or another.
I am thankful that all of my needs are met. I woke up in a bed this morning, I ate when I was hungry, and I put on a coat when it got chilly. I am elated that I receive an education, and even more so that I get to explore and learn everywhere I go!
Long Live Life!

Ooooh my first REAL post

I am determined to publish this post! I have had several halfway started drafts that I have never finished. It's time to kick the habit and publish something.

I am as happy as one can get in the normal stresses of life. I've settled into the school scene well with a great group of friends, and a stack of homework each night. While keeping my grades up is stressful, I am happier than I have been in years. My attendance in school has gone of without a hitch, and I can officially declare that my socially awkward stage is complete!

Not a lot relevant in this post, but I think it's good to get into the habit of keeping some type of blog.


Saturday, August 13, 2011

Starting Fresh

Well... I lost the other Blog so I decided to pick up this one. Here, I will spill my ups & downs, opinions, and insights to an audience of , most likely, just myself.

If you must know, I'm just a typical teen from Idaho. I enjoy studying politics, religion, and science in my free time. You will likely notice that this is where I will dump my outrage on the latest topic. Feel free to come along for the ride.